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Prohibited items include, but are not limited to: purses larger than a clutch bag, coolers, briefcases, backpacks, fanny packs, cinch bags, non-approved seat cushions*, luggage of any kind, computer bags and camera bags or any bag larger than the permissible size. Fans will continue to be able to enjoy their tailgate activities in the parking lots and to do so with greater safety and the knowledge that their entry into the stadium will be smoother and faster. They also will continue to be able to carry items allowed into the stadium, such as binoculars, cameras, and smart phones. As the season approaches, we encourage fans to visit individual NFL team websites for specific stadium information. *Non-approved seat cushions include large traditional seat cushions that have pockets, zippers, compartments, or covers.

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Please see your club guest services office to have your seat cushion examined. FEMALE FAN FAQ Why did the NFL and its clubs adopt this policy?

The league and clubs review their public safety and stadium security policies every year looking for ways to improve them. The Committee on Stadium Security and Fan Conduct leads this review and obtains a wide range of information to assist in doing so. The committee strongly believed that it made sense to adjust our policy to enhance public safety and make stadium access more efficient by limiting the size and style of bags carried into the stadium. This was reviewed with the clubs at the May league meeting and will be implemented by every team. This proactive measure both will enhance safety inside and outside the stadium and speed the security screening process for all NFL fans.

The public deserves to be in a safe, secure environment. This is about both safety and improving the overall fan experience. Was this step taken because of what happened at the Boston Marathon? That was a factor to take into account, certainly, but we update and improve the policy every year. It has evolved so that we can continue to adjust to the realities of public safety. We had been discussing a new approach to bag restrictions before the Boston Marathon incident.

We have come up with a way to do it that will actually make access more convenient for fans than it has been. We think the fans will embrace and appreciate it. Are other events limiting bags? In fact, some like the University of Michigan, Penn State, and Michigan State University do not permit any bags.

The pat downs and metal detector screenings of all individuals entering NFL stadiums provide an additional level of safety for fans. The limitations on bag size and style is a further enhancement for convenience and safety.

How does the new policy improve public safety? There will be a secondary perimeter around the stadium where security personnel will check for prohibited items or bags being carried toward the stadium so those situations can be corrected immediately. This establishes a protected buffer area for fans in plaza-level areas and at the queues for stadium entry. Might and magic 10 Prohibited bags will be turned away. Any prohibited bag inside the second perimeter will be highly visible and more quickly resolved. The clear bag is easily and quickly searched and greatly reduces faulty bag searches.