Itextsharp 408 Dll Download

K N Sharma 23-Aug-16 4:07 23-Aug-16 4:07 Dear Sir, Thanks for providing the article. This is good and simple to read.

Download itextsharp.dll About itextsharp.dll errors. When an application requires itextsharp.dll, Windows will check the application and system folders for this.dll file.

But i need to ask a question regarding the scope of values stored in app setting keys in multiple user environment. If two users are online and one user modify the values, will the second user will get this modification or not. What are those settings by which we can allow and disallow to get this modification to specified or all user. Hope you got my question. Actual i was asked a question related to this in a interview session. I forgot correct question asked.

Blpandya 9-Oct-14 20:21 9-Oct-14 20:21 Hi, In web.config there is a section called system.servicemodel in which we put endpoints and bindings for connecting to WCF layer. Can you help me edit that progamatically using C#, Below is the section given where we need to edit the endpoint addresses.

(( )) It would be a great help if you can. Regards Bhargav L Pandya.

I've been browsing the net for almost 3 hrs now without a clue. Found many different examples but nothing that has lead me in the right direction. I have a PDF template file that I open and fill from code behind. This works just fine. Now I have an additional thing I need to do.

Fsx p3d flight1 uiver douglas dc 2. I need to insert an image into the PDF file at a specific point. Doing absolute positioning is not a problem. The problem is that I can't find how to insert the image without it having to be a new document. Can I use any of the below code to add it? PdfReader reader = new PdfReader (fileNameFrom); PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper (reader, new FileStream (fileNameTo, FileMode.Create)); AcroFields fields = stamper.AcroFields; string chartLoc = string.Empty; chartLoc = 'reports/report1.png'; iTextSharp.text. Image chartImg = iTextSharp.text.

Image.GetInstance(chartLoc); chartImg.SetAbsolutePosition(50, 500); The images are all created before the PDF is so they will be referenced by name. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks ^_^ • •. Joppo iTextSharp.text.Image logo = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(Server.MapPath('/img/logo1.jpg')); PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(logo); I use this and it works for sure.

Do you mean that you get no errors when you create the document and the problem occurs when you have to write on a completed doc? What type of error do you get? That would work if I was creating a table into a new document. I haven't a table as this isn't a new document but a template that I use.


I need to insert the image into the document that is created from the template. I was playing with: //set images string chartLoc = string.Empty; chartLoc = Server.MapPath( 'reports/' + chartNames[0].ToString() + '.png' ); iTextSharp.text. Image chartImg = iTextSharp.text. Image.GetInstance(chartLoc); chartImg.SetAbsolutePosition(50, 50); PdfContentByte cB = new PdfContentByte (stamper.Writer); cB.AddImage(chartImg); but I couldn't get it to work either. Kept on giving me the error 'object not set to a reference' on the addImage.

This is the same error message I would get before. All the examples I found were creating a new document but none from a template. Thanks ^_^ • •.

Hi there I am interested in the solution, could you please post your code guys? Hey Guys I am going to give more details about the issue: I am trying to add a chart from a png image file which I know exists and put it in an existing PDF, all in the same folder. I manage to create a PDF from a template and add some text on top of it before I try to add the image in.