Contoh Soal Tes Toefl Dan Jawaban Pdf To Doc

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) adalah ujian kemampuan berbahasa Inggris yang diperlukan untuk mendaftar masuk ke universitas di Amerika Serikat atau negara-negara lain di dunia. Ujian ini sangat diperlukan untuk mereka yang bahasa ibunya bukan bahasa Inggris. Jenis tes bahasa Inggris TOEFL ini pada umumnya diperlukan untuk persyaratan masuk kuliah pada hampir semua universitas di Amerika Serikat dan Kanada baik untuk program S 1 maupun S 2 terlebih S 3.

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Contoh Soal Test Toefl Grammar. Hal terakhir yang akan saya uraikan mengenai test toefl ini yaitu test grammar.


Test ini tentu saja diujikan untuk mengetahui seberapa luas dan paham seseorang dengan tata bahasa baku yang digunakan dalam Bahasa Inggris. Variasi dalam test grammar ini tentunya sama beragamnya dengan test lainnya. (Kumpulan Soal dan Pembahasan) Contoh Toefl Grammar Untuk lebih jelas silahkan lihat beberapa contoh soal untuk test toefl grammar pada pembahasan Soal berikut ini: 1. From 1949 onward, the artist Georgia O’Keeffe made New Mexico ______. (A) her permanent residence was (B) where her permanent residence (C) permanent residence for her (D) her permanent residence 2. Just as remote-controlled satellites can be employed to explore outer space, _______employed to investigate the deep sea.

(A) can be robots (B) robots can be (C) can robots (D) can robots that are 3. In ______ people, the areas of the brain that control speech are located in the left hemisphere.

Las Vegum is divided in 6 zones: Lutetia, WCW, LuckSore (Luxour), Little Venetia (parody of ), Pirate Island, and SeizeUs Palace. Descargar comics asterix y obelix pdf free online. Asterix and Obelix come to his rescue, with the help of a spy named Sam Shieffer, a reference to from the series. Then swears loyalty to Caesar, and goes to Las Vegum. Throughout the game, Romans who slightly resemble famous video game heroes (), (), (), (), () and () appear as frequent enemies, while (), here a Roman centurion called Larry Craft, appears as a mini-boss. In addition, Caesar references by calling Asterix.

(A) mostly of (B) most (C) almost the (D) the most of 4. Stars shine because of _______ produced by the nuclear reactions taking place within them. (A) the amount of light and heat is (B) which the amount of light and heat (C) the amount of light and heat that it is (D) the amount of light and heat 5. ________ is not clear to researchers. (A) Why dinosaurs having become extinct (B) Why dinosaurs became extinct (C) Did dinosaurs become extinct (D) Dinosaurs became extinct 6. Although many people use the word “milk” to refer cow’s milk, _______ to milk from any animal, including human milk and goat’s milk. (A) applying it also (B) applies also (C) it also applies (D) but it also applies 7.

The first transatlantic telephone cable system was not established _______ 1956. (A) while (B) until (C) on (D) when 8. _______ no two people think exactly alike, there will always be disagreement, but disagreement should not always be avoided; it can be healthy if handled creatively. (A) There are (B) Why (C) That (D) Because 9. Drinking water ________ excessive amounts of fluorides may leave a stained or mottled effect on the enamel of teeth. (A) containing (B) in which containing (C) contains (D) that contain (Kumpulan Soal dan Pembahasan) 10. In the 1820’s physical education became _______ of the curriculum of Harvard and Yale Universities.

(A) to be part (B) which was part (C) was part (D) part 11. Pewter, _______ for eating and drinking utensils in colonial America, is about ninety percent tin, which copper or bismuth added for hardness. (A) was widely used (B) widely used it (C) widely used (D) which widely used 12. A moth possesses two pairs of wings _________as a single pair and are covered with dustlike scales. (A) function (B) are functioning (C) that function (D) but functions 13. Soap operas, a type of television drama series, are so called because at first, they were ________.

(A) often which soap manufacturers sponsored (B) sponsored often soap manufacturers (C) often sponsored by soap manufacturers (D) soap manufacturers often sponsored them 14. The Woolworth Building in New York was the highest in America when _______ in 1943 and was famous for its use of Gothic decorative detail. (A) built (B) it built (C) was built (D) built it 15. Humans, ________, interact through communicative behavior by means of signs or symbols used conventionally. (A) like other animals (B) how other animals (C) other animals that (D) do other animals TOEFL GRAMMAR STRUCTURE Test of English as a Foreign Language TOEFL is abbreviated English proficiency exam (American accent) are required to enroll into college (college) or university in the United States or other countries in the world. This exam is required for applicants whose native language or the speaker is not English. TOEFL exam is organized by the office of ETS (Educational Testing Service) in the United States for all test takers around the world.