Radionic Software Free

The digital radionic program Chromoradionics Software, developed on purpose for the most expert radiesthesistians who continually ask for the highest precision as to radionic emission quality to carry out more suitable and precise therapies, makes use of the radionic method of the cases where the colour, the resonance Frequency Between the receiver witness picture and the tested coloured cases, and the emission times in relative seconds will be assigned. So the characteristic of ChromoRadionics Software is just to channel on the receiver a series of coloured cases chosen by the radiesthesic test, and thanks to software running, to make them enter in resonance with the same receiving subject picture by a certain number of blinking frequencies always tested by radiesthesia. When you have launched the therapeutic program, these coloured cases will blink simultaneously with the same receiving subject picture, sending this way at a distance by the bio-resonance effect the same Energetic information contained in the colours radiesthesically placed in a particular point of the software Grid; all is to look for by the radiesthesic test to carry out a suitable radionic emission. Besides it is also possible to stay comfortably sitting in front of the monitor to absorb the beneficent frequencies of all the therapeutic programs produced by ChromoRadionics Software.

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The digital radionic program Chromoradionics Software, developed on purpose for the most expert radiesthesistians, who continually ask for the highest precision as to radionic emission quality to carry out more suitable and precise therapies, makes use of the radionic method of the cases where the colour, the resonance Frequency Between the receiver witness picture and the tested coloured cases, and the emission times in relative seconds will be assigned. So the characteristic of ChromoRadionics Software is just to channel on the receiver a series of coloured cases chosen by the radiesthesic test, and thanks to software running, to make them enter in resonance with the same receiving subject picture by a certain number of blinking frequencies always tested by radiesthesia. When you have launched the therapeutic program, these coloured cases will blink simultaneously with the same receiving subject picture, sending this way at a distance by the bio-resonance effect the same Energetic information contained in the colours radiesthesically placed in a particular point of the software Grid; all is to look for by the radiesthesic test to carry out a suitable radionic emission. Besides it is also possible to stay comfortably sitting in front of the monitor to absorb the beneficient frequencies of all the therapeutic programs produced by ChromoRadionics Software. Till now to produce radionic therapeutic emissions at a distance, digital radionic softwares used rates automatic production and witnesses-pictures that the program somehow processed by the intention-thought written and inserted by the operator in the same program, while by ChromoRadionics system, today it is possible to develop some suitable therapeutic programs only by a deep radesthesic test carried out by the operator: our researches and experiences realized till.

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