Prakticheskie Osnovi Perevoda Kazakova Pdf

The article is devoted to the problem of technical terms translation. It deals with the difficulties which appear in the translation of technical texts. The definitions of such concepts as “term”, “translation” and “technical translation” are given. The difference between the terms and the words in general use is specified.

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Aahat horror tv serial download. Main types of technical terms classification according to their structure are described. Examples of plain, complex and phrase technical terms are given. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the attributive phrase technical terms translation. Main peculiarities of the technical terms translation are defined and analyzed by the author. The author also considers the main criteria which students have to follow in technical texts translation. The analysis of the most difficult for translation technical terms is given by the author. Brief description of the main technical translation types is presented in the article.

Prakticheskie osnovi perevoda kazakova pdf file

The attention is paid to the requirements for the technical terms translation. The main terms translation method, which is used by the students in technical literature translation, is specified by the author. The author also defines and gives examples of the words, which can be used as special terms in technical texts. The significance and importance of the considered technical terms translation peculiarities is outlined in the article.

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Moskva, Russkii yazyk, 2000. Retsker Ya.I. Teoria perevoda i perevodcheskaia praktika. Ocherky lingvisticheskoi teorii perevoda [Theory of translation and translation practice. Essays of linguistic translation theory].

Valent, 2004. Chebotarev P.G. Perevod kak sredstvo i predmet obucheniia: Nauchno-metodicheskoe posobie [Translation as means and subject of training: scientific-methodic textbook]. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 2006. Copyright (c) 2015 Advanced Education This work is licensed under a. ISSN 2410-8286 (Online), ISSN 2409-3351 (Print).