Libreoffice Hardware Acceleration

Windows On Windows XP or higher, download and install the. Open the viewer through the Start menu and click on the Report link in the Task pane on the left.

Details of which OpenGL versions are supported and the percentage of that support will be listed along with summary details of your graphics card and its OpenGL support, which will look like this. Renderer: Intel 945GM Vendor: Intel Memory: 256 MB Version: 1.4.0 - Build 8. Shading language version: N/A Mac On 64-bit macOS 10.6 or higher, download and install from the Mac App Store. Open the viewer and click on the Report tab in the tab bar. Crash on program start LibreOffice comes with OpenGL rendering enabled by default and this configuration might cause problems with certain combinations of graphics hardware and their drivers, which can lead to crashes. If LibreOffice crashes immediately on startup, it will not be possible to open the Options dialog and disable OpenGL there, so you have two options: • LibreOffice 5.3 and newer: • Start LibreOffice in Safe Mode (open 'LibreOffice (Safe Mode)' in the Windows start menu or run libreoffice --safe-mode in the Linux terminal).

• Select 'Configure' -> 'Disable Hardware Acceleration (OpenGL, OpenCL)' • Click 'Apply Changes and Restart' • LibreOffice 5.2 and older: • On Windows: • Download and import it in the registry editor, which will disable the UseOpenGL parameter on Windows. • On Linux: • Open the registrymodifications.xcu file found in LibreOffice's and change UseOpenGL and ForceOpenGL entries to false: •. • This page was last edited 15:15:51, 2018-12-22.

Jul 25, 2015 - AMD engineers contribute to LibreOffice, for good reason. Admanager plus 6 1 keygen serial number. Clocks 500x spreadsheet speed boost via hardware acceleration in LibreOffice.


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