Class 12 Physics Practical File

Practical file for class 12 • 1.

Physics is one of the most important subjects in Class 12. As the CBSE exam approaches, students get busy preparing for different subjects. But an essential part of the CBSE exam is the practical exams which consist of 30 marks. Practical File Readings Class 12 Chemistry Pay Class XII Physics Pay CBSE Practicals. Covering all Class 11/12 Physics/Chemistry/Biology Experiments.

Friends, got no time or no friends to borrow physics practical file reading and you need it badly right now: here is your solution: The return of my doomed work. I deleted my post by accident. But worry not friends. I recovered the lost copy of this blog and it is back to help you again. School is for enjoyment and sometimes we tend to left out few of the practicals.

That is not a problem anymore. Before the submission of my practical file during the board exams. I knew that some scary looking teacher would just tear the file apart so that it cannot be used again. Physics file was the most difficult to maintain, all the reading and so much calculation. I thought in the day of my desolation when no one would share the file or they themselves have not completed it or maybe have done the whole practical wrong, interred a sense of Board Exam in my bones. Most of the practicals screenshot have been listed below with exact numbering. If you find anything missing or above your head, do post some comments as there are many others who visit this site and these might be able to help you out of this muck.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXP-1> TO DETERMINE THE RESISTANCE PER CM OF A GIVEN WIRE BY PLOTTING A GRAPH OF POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE VERSUS CURRENT Materials Required: A Resistance wire, voltmeter, ammeter, battery, rheostat, meter scale, one way key, connecting wires etc. Theory: If I be the current flowing through a conductor & V be the potential difference across its ends, then according to Ohm’s law. Range of ammeter = 0. Least count of ammeter =. Range of voltmeter = 0.

Least count of voltmeter =.V 5. Least count of meter scale =. Length of the given wire, l =.m RESULT: 1. The potential difference across the given wire varies linearly with the current. The resistance per unit length of the wire is (R ± ΔR) = (. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXP-2> TO DETERMINE RESISTANCE OF GALVANOMETER BY HALF DEFLECTION METHOD AND TO FIND ITS FIGURE OF MERIT.

MATERIAL REQUIRED: A moving coil galvanometer, a battery or a battery eliminator (0 - 6 V), one resistance box (R-BOX 1) of range 0-10kΩ, one resistance box(R-BOX 2) of range 0-200 Ω, 2 one way keys, voltmeter, connecting wires and a piece of sand paper. Theory: Galvanometer is a sensitive device used to detect very low current.

Praktikum po obschestvovedeniyu form. Its working is based on the principle that a coil placed in a uniform magnetic field experiences a torque when an electric current is set up in it. The deflection of the coil is determined by a pointer attached to it, moving on the scale. When a coil carrying current I is placed in a radial magnetic field, the coil experiences a deflection θ which is related to I as I=k θ where k is a constant of proportionality and is termed as figure of merit of the galvanometer. Procedure: 1. Clean the connecting wires with sand paper and make neat and tight connections as per the circuit diagram 2. From the high resistance box (R-BOX 1) (1-10 kΩ), remove 5 kΩ key and then close the key K1.


Adjust the resistance R from this resistance box to get full scale deflection on the galvanometer dial. Record the values of resistance, R and deflection θ. Insert the key K2 and keep R fixed. Adjust the value of shunt resistance S to get the deflection in the galvanometer which is exactly half of θ.

Remove plug K2 after noting down the value of shunt resistance, S. Take five sets of observations by repeating steps 2 and 3 so that θ is even number of divisions and record the observations for R, S, θ and 2 in tabular form. Calculate the galvanometer resistance G and figure of merit k of galvanometer using Equations.

OBSERVATIONS: Emf of the battery E =.V Number of divisions on full scale of galvanometer =. Resistance of galvanometer by half deflection method, G =. Figure of merit of galvanometer, k =.ampere/division ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXP-3> TO VERIFY LAWS OF COMBINATION OF RESISTOR USING A METER BRIDGE. Materials Required: Meter bridge, galvanometer, one way key, a resistance box, battery, jockey, two unknown resistance wires, and connecting wires.

Theory: The effective resistance Xs of the combination of two resistors when connected in series can be calculated by: Xs = X1+ X2-----------(i) The resistance (X ) of a resistor is given by: -----------(ii) Where ‘l’ is the balancing length and R, the known resistance. Procedure: (i) Measure the unknown resistances X1and X2 separately using the procedure explained in experiment 2, after making the suitable connections as done in experiment 2. Here you can find the value of unknown resistances without interchanging the R. And unknown wire in the gaps.