Bibel Bahasa Batak Toba Untuk Pc Magazine

Kamaliah's 27th Birthday - One morning not a long time ago, as I was preparing to go to class, I heard Kamaliah say: “Semalam abang tengok ratio lelaki:perempuan untuk predict anak k. 1 year ago Luqman!

Aleksandr Bushkov. Letayushchie ostrova----- Rycar' iz niotkuda ('Svarog' #2) ----- - Ty govorila, chto zvezdy - eto miry, Tess? Pechenje cherez myasorubku so smetanoj.

1 THE PHONOLOGICAL PROCESS OF BATAK TOBA LANGUAGE Julianti Lubis A2B English Department Abstrak Indonesia terkenal dengan kekayaan akan budaya yang diwariskan oleh nenek moyang. Bahasa daerah merupakan salah satu yang termasuk didalamnya. Sebagai bentuk penghargaan terhadap bahasa itu, maka sangat perlu dilakukan penelitian tentang apa saja unsur-unsur yang terkandung di dalamnya. Dalam kesempatan ini, penulis mengambil kesempatan untuk menganalisis sebuah bahasa daerah yaitu bahasa Batak Toba. Dimana status penulis sekaligus sebagai penutur asli bahasa Batak Toba telah memberikan kemudahan dalam melakukan penelitian.

Penelitian ini ialah tentang analisis beberapa proses fonologis Bahasa Batak Toba. Tujuannya adalah mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis proses fonologis yang terdapat dalam bahasa Batak Toba. Penulis mengoleksi data dari sebuah Kamus Bahasa Batak Toba-Indonesia yang disusun oleh Drs. Richard Sinaga sebagai data utama dan kosakata di luar dari kamus tersebut sebagai data sekunder. Masalah yang dikaji fokus pada kosa kata bahasa Batak Toba yang ada di dalam kamus tersebut yaitu tentang pengklasifikasian kata berdasarkan jenis-jenis proses fonologis yang ada.

Untuk menjawab masalah tersebut, penulis melakukan penelitian dengan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut terdapat empat macam proses fonologis di dalam bahasa Batak Toba yaitu: assimilation, metathesis, addition dan reduction. Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study Batak tribe lives in North Sumatera and it has 6 (six) sub-tribes.

Every subtribe has its own language. They are Batak Toba language, Batak Simalungun language, Batak Karo language, Batak Pak-pak Dairi language, Batak Angkola language and Batak Mandailing language. Because the writer comes from Batak Toba tribe, she chooses Batak Toba language to analyze. It makes her easier to analyse the data because of her deep knowledge about the language. Recently, many Bataknese speak the form of words as the same way as they write it. Otherwise, between the spoken words and the written words are different. For this case, the writer has asked her friend to write a word gonghon (an invitation).

As the result, she wrote it with /gokkon/ (the pronounciation of gonghon). This case leads the writer to research about her own language especially in phonology since she also realises that she is not really a good native speaker of Batak Toba language. In this occation, the title 2 of the research is The Phonological Process of Batak Toba Language. There are many kinds of phonological process.

Nevertheles, the phonological process will be analysed with focus on assimilation, metathesis, sound addition, reduction. 1.2 Purpose of the Study The purposes of this research, first the writer would find out the kinds of the phonological process in Batak Toba language. Second, she would describe and explain it qualitatively. 1.3 Underlying Theory To assess a language, we need to study the sound of the spoken language. Ramelan (1969:6) said that phonology is the study of phones on speech sounds patterns in a language.

It is different from phonetics which focuses its study on the description of speech sounds, phonology deals with how the speech sounds form. Phonology explains how to identify the sounds which can distinguish meaning in a certain language and those which cannot.

When we pronounce a word, the sounds that we use in the pronunciation are called phones or phonetic units. Muslich on his book (2011: ) mentioned some kinds of phonological process that is found as the result of this research. They are assimilation, metathesis, sound addition and reduction.