Aturan Peraturan Hkbp Amandemen 2014

Feb 16, 2014 - Jakarta, February 2014 vi+241 pages 230 mm x155 mm ISBN: Bonar Tigor Naipospos Halili. On December 1, 2013 an incident of attacks and eviction of HKBP Church s. 22 Komite HAM PBB Peraturan Bersama Menteri Agama dan. Aturan di Kepolisian tidak boleh, Kalau keberatan, kita serahkan. HKBP Umum Aturan dan Peraturan HKBP Th.2002. 06 Agustus 2014. 1.17 Menerima usul amandemen terhadap Aturan Peraturan HKBP.

SETARA Institute is an organization which was established by 28 individuals whose goal is to realize equal community. One of its concerns is to actively ensure abolishment of religions/beliefs intolerance and discrimination in Indonesia.

Religious/beliefs freedom is national fundamental right that is recognized by the constitution of the Republic of Indonesia as well as by International Convention of Political and Civil Rights that has been ratiied by Indonesia on Ordinance No. 12 the Year 2005. As human rights and constitutional rights, religions/beliefs freedom holds the government to account of ensuring the freedom and of punishing whoever tries to violate the freedom.

The nation’s success level on ensuring the freedom is measured on two ways. Firstly, the government has to retain them selves from taking any measures that can aggravate individual’s or group’s rights execution (abstain). Thus, this mandatory principle is negative obligation. Secondly, the government protects human rights from any threats or actions by non-state organization.

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This is positive obligation. Discriminated parties, religious minority in particular, require the government to carry out this obligation. In general, the government has to assure that these rights are not violated by third parties. However, the Indonesian government practically intervene religious matters.

On the contrary, the government helplessly fails to present them selves at bringing those who are responsible of intolerance, discrimination, and violence to court. Transformers fall of cybertron language patch crack fix

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Memeriksa perkara perdata pada tingkat kasasi telah memutus sebagai berikut dalam perkara: 1. PATARAN PARULIAN SIHOTANG, bertempat tinggal di Jalan Ragi Santik, Nomor 5, Kelurahan Pematang Simalungun, Kecamatan Siantar, Kabupaten Simalungun, Provinsi Sumatera Utara; 2. DERITA Br SITOHANG alias NAI DIENDRA, bertempat tinggal di Onan Godang, Desa Siparmahan, Kecamatan Harian Boho, Kabupaten Samosir, Provinsi Sumatera Utara; 3. TARIMA GIRSANG, bertempat tinggal di Onan Godang Desa Siparmahan, Kecamatan Harian Boho, Kabupaten Samosir, Provinsi Sumatera Utara; Dalam hal ini memberikan kuasa kepada Dr.

Tommy Sihotang, S.H., LL.M. Dan kawan, Para Advokat pada Law Firm Tommy Sihotang & Partners, beralamat di Bakrie Tower Lantai 3, Suite 3A, Rasuna Epicentrum, Jalan Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12960, berdasarkan Surat Kuasa Khusus tanggal 22 Januari 2016; Para Pemohon Kasasi dahulu Para Tergugat/ Para Pembanding; Lawan HURIA KRISTEN BATAK PROTESTAN (HKBP), Badan Hukum yang berkedudukan dan berkantor Pusat di Pearaja Tarutung, Tapanuli Utara, Provinsi Sumatera Utara, yang dalam hal ini diwakili oleh Pdt. William Tumpal Parlindungan Simarmata., M.A, selaku Pendeta/ Ephorus HKBP, beralamat di Kompleks Kantor Pusat HKBP Pearaja, Kelurahan Huta Toruan V, Kecamatan Tarutung, Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara, Provinsi Sumatera Utara, dalam hal ini memberikan kuasa kepada Poltak Manik, S.H., Advokat dan Konsultan Hukum dari Kantor Advokat dan Konsultan Hukum Poltak Manik, S.H. & Associates, beralamat di Jalan Kolonel Liberty Malau, Nomor 8, Pangururan, Kabupaten Samosir Provinsi Sumatera Utara, berdasarkan Surat Kuasa Khusus tertanggal tertanggal 19 November 2013; Termohon Kasasi dahulu Penggugat/ Terbanding; Mahkamah Agung tersebut; Membaca surat-surat yang bersangkutan; Menimbang, bahwa dari surat-surat tersebut ternyata bahwa sekarang Termohon Kasasi dahulu sebagai Penggugat/ Terbanding telah menggugat sekarang Pemohon Kasasi dahulu sebagai Para Tergugat/ Para Pembanding di muka persidangan Pengadilan Negeri Balige pada pokoknya atas dalil-dalil: 1. Notice: The Publishers of Asean LIP acknowledge the permission granted by the relevant official/ original source for the reproduction of the above/ attached materials. You shall not reproduce the above/ attached materials in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the Publishers and/or the original/ official source. Neither the Publishers nor the official/ original source will be liable for any loss, injury, claim, liability, or damage caused directly, indirectly or incidentally to errors in or omissions from the above/ attached materials.